Contents tagged with maze

  • Prismatic Maze - Localization Update I

    Tags: maze, patchnotes

    Prismatic Maze - Localization Update I

    Prismatic Maze is now in Bulgarian!

    Hey Everybody!

    In this update, we added Localization and updated some of the Item and Inventory mechanics.

    For … more

  • Prismatic Maze - Resolution Update

    Tags: maze, patchnotes

    Prismatic Maze - Resolution Update

    Hey Everybody!

    This update redesigns how UI Menus and dialogs are positioned in the game. It's a seemingly-small update that nontheless touches a lot of game … more

  • First Foray into Unity Performance Optimization

    Tags: maze, design

    First Foray into Unity Performance Optimization

    In the last update to Prismatic Maze, I spent some time digging into performance optimization really seriously for the first time since its initial … more

  • Prismatic Maze - Color Cloud Update

    Tags: maze, patchnotes

    Prismatic Maze - Color Cloud Update

    Hey Everybody!

    I'm really excited about this update. I got to add something I'd been trying to fit in for a long time - organic color variations in the Pigment … more

  • Prismatic Maze - Fourth Week Update

    Tags: maze, patchnotes

    Prismatic Maze - Fourth Week Update

    Hey Everybody!

    Today, I put out the fourth weekly update for Prismatic Maze. This week, I focused on areas of map creation that can cause it to fail. 

    Map … more

  • Prismatic Maze - Third Week Update

    Tags: maze, patchnotes

    Prismatic Maze - Third Week Update

    Hey Everybody!

    Today, we sent out our third weekly update for Prismatic Maze.

    We are working on a number of different improvements for scorekeeping. 

    In … more

  • Fail Forward Fast

    Tags: maze

    Fail Forward Fast

    Ok, so... success on launch for the first game is laughable.We can safely say initial sales for Prismatic Maze have been... well, effectively nil.Literally 20 sales, probably at … more

  • Prismatic Maze - Second Week Update

    Tags: maze, patchnotes

    Prismatic Maze - Second Week Update

    Hey Everybody!

    Prismatic Maze has been out for two weeks and I'm mostly been working on stability and usability updates in that time. 

    This week's update … more

  • Prismatic Maze - First Week Update

    Tags: maze, patchnotes

    Prismatic Maze - First Week Update

    First content update!

    This update changes presentation of items in the Stage Select menu, splitting items you've acquired into Tools & Storage. Tools include … more

  • Prismatic Maze Available on Steam!

    Tags: maze

    Today, I launched Prismatic Maze!

    It is available now on Steam for PC. 

    Get it. Play it. Love it.

    It is, quite literally, a measure of what I have accomplished in my first year of full time … more